Composites coming from the Heraeus Kulzer laboratories are not only constantly submitted to scientific studies, they also regularly lead the rating lists. One case in point, a 5-year clinical evaluation of class III and class IV restorations with Venus Diamond exhibited an excellent clinical outcome and confirmed particularly good handling and polishing abilities.1
Furthermore, the aesthetic perception of Venus Diamond received top ratings in comparison with a competitive product after 24 months in a split mouth design study in anterior teeth.2 Consequently and due to an outstanding aesthetic performance, patients tend to be very satisfied with their restorations.
In addition, Venus Diamond Flow exhibited excellent clinical results in a 3-year clinical evaluation of class V restorations with two different composites.3 In combination with iBOND® Total Etch, the light-cured two-step bonding system from Heraeus Kulzer, it scored 100 percent patient satisfaction after three years.
When optimal aesthetics and handling properties interact to the dentist’s satisfaction
Clinical and aesthetic behaviour in composite restorations should be well-matched to assure not only their longevity in both form and function but also the ongoing satisfaction of patients - and, of course, of the dentist. That is why scientists at the University of Brescia in Italy investigated all of these aspects over a period of five years for Venus Diamond.1
In the context of the study, 24 class III and IV restorations were performed with the universal composite from Heraeus Kulzer. The restorations were placed by an experienced operator using the micro-layering technique and were assessed by two independent clinicians after five years under several evaluation criteria.
The recall rate after five years was 79% with neither fracture, loss of retention or interproximal contacts in any of the restorations, nor post-operative discomfort on any tooth. All restorations received either excellent or clinically acceptable ratings, the two highest possible ratings (Table 1).
During the evaluation period, Venus Diamond exhibited excellent clinical results in class III and IV restorations. Its handling and polishing abilities turned out particularly good. The same applied to the clinical trial performed at the University of Iowa, where 54 anterior teeth were restored with either Venus Diamond or a competitive product in a split mouth design study.2
After two years, the recall rate stood at 76%. Colour match, marginal discolouration and marginal adaptation were scored excellent or clinically acceptable. In addition to the overall aesthetic perception of the restorations, the surface staining as well as surface lustre were mostly rated excellent.
Both criteria intensify the aesthetic impression (see patient cases in Figure 1 and Figure 2 showing fillings after the 3-year recall).
Furthermore, the reduced plaque accumulation due to the outstanding polishability further enhances the patient satisfaction in terms of aesthetic impression and comfort with the restoration.
The clinical and aesthetic performance of Venus Diamond Flow in combination with iBOND Total Etch was also the focus of a 3-year clinical evaluation, once again at the University of Brescia.3
In this study, 60 class V restorations were placed by an experienced operator using either Venus Diamond Flow or a competitive product in a modified micro-layering technique in the flow application. All restorations were polished with the two-step polishing system Venus Supra from Heraeus Kulzer.
After three years, the recall rate stood at 70% with a patient satisfaction rate of 100%. Only three Venus Diamond Flow restorations were lost during the test period compared to six lost restorations in the control group. Every restoration kept its anatomical form and all study teeth remained caries-free, showing no post-operative discomfort.
All fillings were intact, exhibiting an excellent surface texture. In evaluation criteria such as marginal adaption and colour match, Venus Diamond Flow rated better than the competitive product. On the whole, Venus Diamond Flow performed excellently during and after the three year clinical evaluation.
- Cerutti A: Class III and IV – 5-year report 2013. University of Brescia, Italy. Unpublished data. Data on file.
- Kolker J et al.: Heraeus Kulzer Venus® Diamond Clinical Trial, 2-Year Report, 2013. University of Iowa, USA. Unpublished data. Data on file.
- Cerutti A: Class V – 3-year report 2013. University of Brescia, Italy. Unpublished data. Data on file.
Thursday, 30 January, 2025