The brand new Classe A9 crossover dental unit from leading Italian manufacturer Anthos is more than a comprehensive response to the wide-ranging needs of dental surgeries according to Mr Phil Pagliuso, managing director of Anthos in Australia.
"The Classe A9 features cutting-edge ergonomics, giving the dentist outstanding performance, unparalleled practicality and great styling," he said. "Exceptional versatility takes into account not only the dentist's work but also offers ergonomic solutions of particular interest to the assistant and smoothes interaction between staff and patient. Anthos Classe A9 crossover makes the most of space and grants absolute freedom of movement."
Extremely compact and unique in its versatility, Classe A9 can be adapted
to suit the individual working style of each and every dentist. An array of design solutions will satisfy the
most demanding professionals and the convenience and efficiency of digital electronics will guarantee both top performance and total reliability. Classe A9 crossover delivers outstanding versatility through advanced solutions with regard to ergonomics.
Close observation of the dental profession for half a century and research into the numerous operating habits of dental surgeons on a worldwide scale have led to the latest crossover concept which lies behind the Classe A9 unit. Designed to satisfy the world's best dentists regardless of their working style, Classe A9 includes a series of innovative features that places this unit at the forefront of technology applied to the dental domain.
"We're excited to bring the Classe A9 to Australia and so far have had much interest."
Friday, 31 January, 2025