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31 Mar 2016 | Australasian Dental Practice

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Introducing D4W Cloud: Dental4Windows is now available online

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Now you can gain all the benefits of having your practice management software online without having to sacrifice any of the comprehensive features of Dental4Windows that have made it the favourite choice of Australian dentists.

So how is the new D4W Cloud different from the classic Dental4Windows?

Cloud computing is a general term for the delivery of hosted services over the internet. That means that rather than loading dedicated Dental4Windows software on your own server and the computer network in your practice, you instead store your data on Centaur Software's servers in a secure data centre and access the data over the internet using a web browser (like Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, etc) using a secure web portal that replicates all the functionality you love about Dental4Windows. The D4W Cloud service manages all the IT back-ups, storage and other hardware functions and support and upgrades are provided as part of a fixed monthly fee. There's no upfront payment apart from set up and training and no separated support and maintenance payments.

In addition, a new D4W monthly Subscription is available for those who prefer the traditional model as opposed to Cloud but don't want to buy Dental4Windows outright. No other dental practice management solution gives you those choices.

So what are the benefits of D4W Cloud for single and multi-site dental practices?

1. Freedom to access your dental practice data whenever and wherever you are

Now with D4W Cloud, you have the freedom to log in with your own password wherever you are - at home, work or at a conference - at any time of the day or night - when it suits you. That means you can access what's important without necessarily being in the practice. That gives you freedom and also allows you to be in control of your business even if you're not in the practice. And if you're running more than one practice, that's indispensable. It also works on iPads and Macs!

If you have multiple practices, you can store your data in a single, universal database - or separate databases if you prefer.

If you have more than one practice, then you may want to have a single database for all of your practices to centralise business operations. If that's how you want to manage them then that is now available. Alternatively, you could have them in the Cloud and manage them separately if that suits your reporting processes better.

2. Automatic data back-up at secure servers located in Australia in real time

With the new D4W Cloud, you no longer have to worry about cumbersome manual back-ups as they're automatically applied in the cloud. The secure servers are based in Australia and extensive safeguards and procedures are in place to ensure the security of your data is maintained. Your data is as safe as a bank thanks to the secure, authenticated and encrypted communication protocols used similar to banking and payment systems.

3. Reduced IT costs

No more complicated IT and networking is required in your practice. As long as you have a good internet connection available throughout your practice, all the other hassles are taken care of over the internet. With D4W Cloud, you no longer have to backup Dental4Windows, install updates and ensure your hardware is up-to-date. Over time, your stress and IT costs should markedly reduce.

4. Free updates & new features

All new upgrades including new features are provided free of charge and automatically. That includes new compliance standards added to D4W Cloud which mean you are always up to date. Regular updates and new features will be added automatically with the latest features including appointment and recall automation available now. There's no downtime and no disruption to your practice.

5. One fixed monthly fee

One of the great benefits to many businesses of cloud products is they run on a SAAS (software as a service) model. So what is that? It means that rather than an initial large upfront cost (capital expenditure) to own the product, you instead pay a fixed monthly fee (operating cost) to maintain the right to use the solution. With D4W Cloud, the only upfront cost will be set up and training. There will then only be one monthly fixed fee and the option to add on extra modules for an additional fee.

6. All you've come to expect from classic Dental4Windows

The great thing about D4W Cloud is it doesn't sacrifice the abundance of features in classic Dental4Windows, which means if you know Dental4Windows, then you'll also know how to use D4W Cloud. And, you can obtain all the new integrated eServices, including the integrated online patient booking engine, eAppointments and new eForms, all for one fixed monthly fee.

7. Cloud isn't for everyone

Centaur Software understand dentists and practices are unique and there is not a "one-size-fits-all" solution. That's why they now have a range of methods as to how Dental4Windows can be delivered to practices. If you'd rather buy Dental4Windows outright, that's still available, but now you have the option to gain the benefits of Dental4Windows for a fixed monthly subscription fee rather than paying upfront. If Cloud isn't an option for you, a D4W subscription can be purchased for a fixed monthly fee to have Dental4Windows set up in your practice.

It's all about making Australia's favourite practice management solution accessible to as many practices as possible.

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