While Japanese dental practitioners have been using Myofunctional Research Company's (MRC) Trainer and Myobrace systems to help unlock their patient's natural growth and development for 15 years, recently interest in myofunctional orthodontics has increased significantly.
During 2016, the number of MRC Clinics members in Japan passed 60 and on 9-10 October, 240 Japanese dental practitioners attended the 11th annual MRC Myofunctional Orthodontics 2-day seminar presented by MRC founder and CEO,
Dr Chris Farrell.
Dr Farrell said the same aetiological factors causing malocclusion in 3 out of 4 western children were also affecting
Japanese children.
"Japanese doctors are recognising that it is incorrect myofunctional habits coupled with inactive lifestyles and insufficient nutrition provided by poor, overly processed diets that restrict correct growth and development and cause malocclusion," he said.
"Rather than just mechanically treating the symptoms of malocclusion, they are looking for biologically sound ways to treat these aetiological causes and it is exciting how many Japanese practitioners are showing interest."
Company Director of Orthika International Ltd, Mr Yoshi Suzuki said the reason for the rapidly growing interest in MRC's treatment systems amongst Japanese practitioners was straightforward; traditional treatment methods were limited and outdated.
"Japanese doctors are interested in Myobrace because they recognise the greatest need Japanese patients have now is for orthodontic treatment without braces," he said.
"Doctors are connecting and spreading awareness of myofunctional orthodontics through word of mouth."
The seminar series was developed to provide attendees with introductory knowledge regarding the diagnosis of craniofacial muscular dysfunction, myofunctional appliance use, practice management and staff training systems, as well as tools for patient/parent education and fostering compliance.
Once they had absorbed this information, Dr Farrell said the attendees were keen for further education.
"We are seeing that once they have a grounding in myofunctional orthodontics, Japanese practitioners are eager for further educational opportunities," he said.
"We are able to provide these at our Australian training centre, which includes a lecture theatre, practice clinic and access to a functioning Myobrace Pre-Orthodontic Center®.
Tuesday, 11 February, 2025