Many people ask me what differentiates my straightwire courses from others on the market. The words "experience", "successful private practice" and "continuity of care" come to mind. My goal is to offer you comprehensive training.
I have completed over 100,000 cases in my career and can show you the long-term results. The success of our practice is based on the early treatment approach to, wherever possible, minimise premolar extractions. That is why our 5-session straightwire seminars focus on mixed dentition problems as well as adult cases.
The key to our success is computerised bracket manufacture, bracket placement and customised wires. This takes a lot of the guesswork out of straightwire appliance therapy. Doctors are taught how to correctly diagnose not just using traditional cephalometrics, but also by carefully analysing the facial profile. With the newer self-ligating brackets, currently on the market, we no longer need to extract for dental crowding, but still do in bi-dental protrusion cases. The philosophy we teach... extract for the face, not for the space!
The majority of my students, for this one year programme, come from a "clear aligner" background. The doctors are often frustrated at the increased length of treatment these aligners take and the poor quality case finishes. We use and teach the latest ceramic brackets, and lingual techniques, so their adult patients will readily accept quicker "non-visible" treatment options.
Over 1000 Australian and New Zealand dentists have completed orthodontic courses with me, so EODO can put you in touch with a mentor close to your practice, as well as offering an online case discussion forumSuch back up gives you the confidence to treat your cases from the day of bracket placement, to the case finishing stages. Instead of just explaining the theory behind orthodontic tooth movement, we teach you how to efficiently use these techniques in your practice, and then monitor your patients in order to ensure treatment goes as planned. I am also proud to say that our course does not favour any one bracket or software... our students are not forced to buy their supplies from the company... because EODO does not sell anything but education.
Dr Ned Oreb, a general dentist from Newtown, has this to say about the straight wire seminars... "before doing this course my only option was removable aligners, that couldn't properly correct bites and were expensive to manufacture. After doing the 5 session straightwire course with Dr Mahony, I walked away with the confidence to diagnose and start cases in fixed braces. I now have a workload that averages about 5 case starts a month and both my patients and I couldn't be happier".
EODO encourages students to bring multiple cases for diagnosis, to the first seminar, with the goal of starting the easier cases immediately.
The first session of this Residency discusses various bracket prescriptions and indirect bonding, with an emphasis on Class 1 cases. We then move on to Class 2 and Class 3 problems in session 2 and 4. Doctors also spend time in a Specialist Practice to see actual bracketing, arch wire changes and retention philosophises first hand.
Please take a sneak preview of the hands on teaching sessions by watching this wire bending instructional video online. You can use the password: wire-7 for the site
To incorporate fixed appliances into your practice, visit and We look forward to welcoming you to our growing EODO Orthodontic Alumni.
Wednesday, 12 February, 2025