Bi-axial single implant abutments
Bi-axial Implant Abutments use Bi-axial technology, a uniquely designed and patented precision-manufacturing implant restoration process, with the unique ability to redirect screw access channels by up to 30 degrees. Angled screw channels allow for optimal positioning of the implant frameworks to be produced without the need for expensive abutments, making it both financially and aesthetically more attractive. Bi-axial Implant Abutments are custom manufacturede for most major implant platforms including external and internal connection implants from Astratech/Dentsply Implants; Ankylos; Biomet 3i; Bio Horizons; MIS; Nobel Biocare; Neoss; Osstem; Southern; Straumann; Swiss Plus and Zimmer.
Bi-axial single implant abutments
31 Jul 2014 | Spectrum
Osteon Medical, one of Australia's leading providers of comprehensive CAD/CAM implant solutions, have now broadened their product range with the release of Bi-axial single implant abutments.
31 Jul 2014 | Product Profile
Osteon Medical, one of Australia's leading providers of comprehensive CAD/CAM implant solutions, have now broadened their product range with the release of Bi-axial single implant abutments.
The Bi-axial technology is a uniquely designed and patented precision-manufactured implant restoration, with the unique ability to redirect screw access chann...
Friday, 31 January, 2025