CAD Brace is a revolutionary method for the precise placement of brackets within a 1-micron tolerance. The accuracy, ease and speed of CAD Brace is superior to traditional bonding techniques. Chair time is reduced, treatment time is accelerated, and re-bonding issues become non-existent. 3D printing technologies help deliver an unprecedentedly accurate transfer tray system to hold the brackets in the exact position needed for the most accurate bond possible. Intraoral scan compatible.
CAD Brace
30 Sep 2016 | High Tech Dentistry
Intra oral scanners have now evolved to a point where they can be used routinely in the dental surgery for everyday restorative work like crowns and bridges, inlays onlays and veneers. The accuracy and functionality is now at the level required to replace traditional impression techniques for most indications.
At Fabdent, my own dental laboratory,...
31 May 2016 | Clinical Excellence
Straight teeth are now more popular than they have ever been, with millions of dollars spent every year on advertising same. Straight white teeth these days project a healthy, youthful aura, even on older patients and people are catching on fast. There are many ways these days to get that elusive perfect smile but there is no more efficient and rel...
Friday, 31 January, 2025