31 Mar 2017 | Techniques
Every 2 years, the International Dental Show (IDS) showcases the latest thermoforming innovations and units and this year was no different. Here are 3 examples that stood out for me.
Automated Pressure Thermoforming
Two new Erkopress units were released, the Erkopress Motion and the Erkopress-ci Motion. Both units are distinguished by a fully aut...
30 Sep 2016 | Techniques
This article is an update of my original article from 2006 and although the basic procedure for finishing thermoformed appliances has not changed, additions and refinements to the finishing products used along with some new thinking has made improvements to the process. Following a consistent routine when finishing thermoformed cases results in inc...
31 Mar 2016 | Techniques
Comparative tests with thermoforming foils recommended for correction (aligning) splints was carried out recently by Erkodent® Erich Kopp GmbH. The aim of the testing was to compare the initial corrective force applied and then the memory loss of the various materials tested over a period of time.
The materials tested here are Erkodur (PETG, copo...
30 Sep 2014 | Techniques
Thermoforming is now possibly the most common and certainly the most efficient method to produce quality occlusal splints. With a wide range of materials available in various colours and thicknesses and combinations of materials with differing mechanical and chemical properties, this article will explain and categorise the choices we have now.
31 May 2014 | Techniques
In the last article, we looked at the fundamental methods Erkodent uses to quantify a mouthguard’s potential for protection. In this article, we will expand upon that and look at the comparative specifications of two mouthguards - the Playsafe Heavy-pro and the Playsafe Triple. We will also add comparitive measurements of weight and volume to giv...
31 Jan 2014 | Techniques
Traditionally, thermoformed retainers are commonly used post treatment to stabilise the dentition after tooth movements affected with bonded brackets and tensioned wires have taken place.
Particularly with the advent of aligner technologies and combination techniques, orthodontics is now a growing and far more desirable dental service for a much l...
31 Oct 2013 | Techniques
Tooth coloured thermoforming materials have been primarily designed for cosmetic splints - either to provide an aesthetic "cover up" for less than ideal dentition or as a temporary first solution to trauma cases.
This material is a hard and extremely impact resistant copolyester that thermoforms easily. It is available in two basic shades, average...
31 Jan 2013 | Techniques
The examples shown in Part 2 of this series use the Erkoform 3d with the Occluform 3 attachment. This combination lets us manufacture complex adjusted splints extremely quickly and in a very material friendly manner.
The Occluform-3 is attached to the Erkoform-3/3d allowing us to directly imprint the opposing bite and modify the splint during the ...
Wednesday, 12 February, 2025