Ribbond-THM is the most popular Ribbond product for dentists. It is thinner (0.18 mm) than the original Ribbond, easier to adapt and has a higher modulus of elasticity than the Original Ribbond. It is the preferred material for periodontal splints, orthodontic retainers and endodontic posts and cores. It is also excellent for single pontic anterior bridges.
31 Jul 2016 | Clinical Excellence
For the GP learning to place implants, it's prudent to initially choose cases that present a low aesthetic risk. Thus, most are likely to start with the posterior before moving on to the anterior, which presents more of a challenge because of the dentition's location in the smile zone. For practitioners looking to broaden their surgical repertoire ...
31 Jan 2013 | Clinical Excellence
There is probably nothing more disheartening for dental patients who have meticulously cared for their teeth their entire life than to learn that a maxillary central incisor is hopeless and must be extracted. As clinicians, we are not only highly empathetic and concerned for the patients' aesthetic and functional concerns; we also realize that the ...
Friday, 31 January, 2025