Smile Lite
Without the proper tool, shade-taking can be a source of failure when producing an aesthetic restoration. Several factors can influence an incorrect perception of true colors, like ambient light (intensity, quality) and the working environment. Even human factors like the level of stress or fatigue on the eye can cause shade-taking errors. Smile Lite is a revolutionary tool which brings you reliability, simplicity and efficiency by drastically reducing the risk of mistakes during shade-taking. Equipped with a 5500K calibrated LED, Smile Lite provides natural and neutral light, stable and reliable regardless of the time of the day or the weather outside. The rectangular view finder through which the operator observes the teeth clearly delimits the working area in order to avoid any outside interference and allows the dentist (shade matching) and ceramist (control of the prosthesis) to both use Smile Lite during their everyday practice. This facilitates optimal communication between dentist and dental laboratory.
Smile Lite
Friday, 31 January, 2025